Health & Wellness

Reviewing Measured: The Brand Using Modern Medicine To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off

“GLP-1” weight loss drugs have been in the news a lot lately. You’ve probably heard of new drugs like Ozempic that help patients to lose weight by reducing their body’s natural cravings for food. The real question is, how exactly do these drugs work, and how can you get access to them safely? Measured Health is a modern weight loss program that helps its patients do exactly that.

Read on for our full review of this new platform!



What are GLP-1’s?

GLP-1 receptor agonists are a type of non-insulin medication that is used in combination with diet and exercise to help treat type 2 diabetes.

These drugs are prescribed to help lower blood glucose levels and hemoglobin A1C and to aid in weight loss.

Research has shown that GLP-1 receptor agonists can have other health benefits on blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and beta-cell function.



How do GLP-1’s work?

GLP-1 receptor agonists mimic a protein of the same name that is made naturally in the intestines when we eat.

When used for weight management, these medications pump the brakes on our appetites and the rate at which food exits the stomach.

As a result, we eat less because we are thinking less about food, and we are satisfied with smaller portions – even if we weren’t overeating.



How do I get GLP-1’s?

Starting at too high of a dose or increasing the dose too quickly can lead to symptoms such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

You will have better outcomes by working with a team of weight loss management experts who can help you use these medications to create new, healthy, and sustainable habits.

While any doctor can prescribe GLP-1’s, primary care providers are often not familiar with prescribing these drugs.

That’s where Measured comes in, providing all this and more!



How can Measured help?

Measured connects you with a board certified physician to formulate a weight loss plan just for you through a virtual consultation from the convenience of your own home. If you qualify, Measured’s physician team will send you a prescription for the right FDA-approved weight loss medication for you, sent right to your local pharmacy. Measured offers a wide array of weight loss medications depending on your personal health profile, like Ozempic, Wejovy, Mounjaro and more.

To start, simply take Measured’s onboarding quiz to let them know about your health history and weight loss goals. After completing their virtual consultation, you’ll review your results and treatment options with a physician and start your treatment plan starting at just $39 a month!

See if prescription weight loss is right for you and get started with Measured today.

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